This Way

Copyright 2023 Lisa R. Tennant
Medium: Watercolor
Size (Unframed): 11" x 30"
Price: $1030
Exhibitions/ Awards: 2020 Signs of a Recent Past Solo Exhibition, Cultural Activities Center, Temple, TX and Vive Les Arts Theatre, Killeen, TX
Description/Story: This was a roadside find. As I traveled a number of times past this little arrow sign and tiny row of converted apartments, the thought always crossed my mind to stop someday and take reference pictures. There were several signage and vintage places along the way as well. So, one day something told me to make time for my camera. It's a good thing too, all of them were gone the next year. The Marietta Motel was converted into apartments a long time before I stopped in, their apartment sign's lettering underneath the arrow was peeling off. To me, it's a sign of a forgotten era, but the more damage or weathered surface, the better. I like to capture that worn out charm in a painting.
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Frame Mock-Up