Queen for a Day

Copyright 2023 Lisa R. Tennant
Medium: Watercolor
Size (Unframed): 21.5" x 21.5"
Price: $1400
Exhibitions/ Awards:
CAC 2019 Fine Art Competition
Orlando 1st Thursdays June 2018: Architecture
Sanford Artwalk June 2018
CAC 2019 Fine Art Competition
Orlando 1st Thursdays June 2018: Architecture
Sanford Artwalk June 2018
Description/Story: As you can tell, I love mid-century signage with its quirky shapes, bright colors and neon lights. Many fall into disrepair or are abandoned which I love their textured patinas. But there are time that an owner will refurbish or restore, as is the case of Wade's Motel along U.S. 1 in Titusville. Some of this sign has plastic over led or florescent lighting to replace the neon which is difficult or expensive to have repaired, but they use the original structure. Here I have taken liberty to make the chevron look like it still has neon even though the restoration is red plastic over lights. I feel that watercolor just captures its character the right way.
Video: Watercolor Painting Art Progress Slides | "Queen for a Day" shows the painting in various stages during its development.
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Frame Mock-Up